Bad Cover Version.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Something About Bears and Their Fur.

As I watch my summer coming to a fast close, so much as changed and yet, a handful of ideas stood still. Like bears, one white, one red and one brown. The white outgrew the cold climate and became so eloquent, yet outgoing then it once was. The red one kept quiet in its own cave, but truly blossomed into its own, never to be seen from again. However, brown one, hides behind the rocks and trees and things, always in the back of my mind, as if its gonna attack and rip my face off. But to truly know if its still following me, no clue, but I still have to turn my head every now and then, as I do wish the comfort of something that was once lost. but at least the fur feels nice.

Saturday, June 2, 2012