Bad Cover Version.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

This Year's Model.

1. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - S/T

2. Howler - America Give Up

3. Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory

4. The Walkmen - Heaven

5. Various Artists - Stubbs the Zombie

6. Cajun Dance Party - The Colourful Life

7. Bloc Party - Four

8. The Cribs - In The Belly Of The Brazen Bull

9. The Adverts - Crossing the Red Sea

10. Wipers - Youth of America

11. Toy - S/T

12. Hunters - Hands On Fire

13. Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas Heaven

14. The Soft Pack - Strapped

15. Bikini Kill - Reject All Americans

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Rise and Fall In Less Then 24 Hours.

Ok. So, for where I work today, we were video taping over at a prison, and I got to visit the set to take care of business that required me to be on one of the work trucks, which was inside the prison. To get in or out, we had to ride in a van or truck, and so I got on and carried on with my business. Easy enough. However, when I was done, I couldn't find a van to take me out, and it took the longest time before I caught a ride with whatever van I could find. This is the result of that:

So, I did the most logical thing to do in this situation, I uploaded on the interwebs for shits and giggles and expected modest views. It ended up being anything but modest:

 Yes, over 1.5 million views. In less then 24 hours. Ok. I was more or less the same, and near deadpan. This is nothing to change to world, and would probably be more likely to be remembered by someone with an attention span of a 5-year old. But what topped the cake, is what happened in the pic below.

 Yeah, whatever, thats a good 15 seconds of fame. Back to modern life and how.