Bad Cover Version.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Looking At Which Ever Way I Want To.

hello, again. It's been a few months since the last post. A lot has changed in three months:
A. Got a paying job.
B. Conquered the Stairs of Koko Head.
C. Helping out Johnny with all of his stuff.
D. Destroyed my finger

So I'm not gonna say where I work, cause I just don't feel like it, but its a pretty cool place. It gets stressful when times are going fast, but its pretty chill when you got everything down. Though I find it kind of difficult that everyone's all older then me by a decade or so. Even the interns are older then me. And what freaks me out a little bit is the generation gap here. For example, everyone was clueless when I wore a shirt of Mega Man, asking who he was supposed to be. Yet, some of the bands i was playing on my computer that was before my time, no one seems to know about, so lady luck slaps me in the face again. Or probably Irony. But I find it awesome how some of the white middle age men in the office listen to gangsta rap. So odd.

Well, growing up is growing up. Since the job hours are long, I don't know how often I get to do any of the stuff I did before. I just know the days go so fast when you don't notice what's going on. And any job will waste the days of the life. But I'm pretty proud of all of what's happen, but I don't want to waste away anything. But, they also say i'm too young to be cynical, who cares?

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