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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Thought About Time in the 4th Dimension.

I saw was a post on reddit jokingly saying how time was like a circle, but it got me thinking about the axis of time (the 4th dimension), as I have always believed to be more of a single axis straight line.
(To be quick, 1st dimension is a single line only going one way or another; 2nd dimension is more a flat plain of field going left/right & forward/back: 3rd dimension is the state we live in where besides left/right, forward/back, we can move up/down; 4th dimension is considered as time as it goes either to the past or the future, or pretty much a 4th way of a direction in our universe.)
However, upon the consideration of alternate universes, in which the variations of possible outcomes increase with the forward of time, it makes me think that time is actually more like a triangle then a line.
For example, in a family tree, the amount of people grow though generation looking kind of a triangle, with each person on that tree able to change its fate between getting many SOs & have a buttload of kids or sadly die alone. However, at the 1st generation that person has limited opinion to change much as the possibilities will only grow after each generation.
I dunno, maybe there is probably a deeper meaning to everything to things we do not understand. Or maybe this fact already exist. But for now it was just a thought that just came to me and I'm open to discussion.

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