Bad Cover Version.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Here's to Gorey.

Antony caught Anxiety in May;
Bethany was always Bored during the day.
Carlita stared Curiously out the window;
Danté Desired some dessert, some time ago.
Eve lacked the Empathy for her peers;
Franklyn overcame his greatest Fears.
Gavin sorrows of his late mother in Grief;
Henry caused Hysteria for an imaginary thief
Ida was Irritated with her overlooked opinion;
Jasper shouted Jubilantly about his triumphant win.
Kerry Keenly watched the sunset, so clement;
Lowell roamed in the night, in lonely Lament.
Manny seemed Modest finding his ideal trait;
Nelson stood Nervously, waiting for his date.
Olive was once Optimistic, but it subsides;
Percy wrote his prose though conceited Pride.
Quentin turned Quaint in his style and beliefs;
Roland took a sigh of apparent Relief.
Simpson detest his struggle under Submission;
Theodore’s Torment was his lack of ambition.
Ulysses, protesting in Umbrage, seemed rogue;
Violet strolled around the avenue, in Vogue.
Walter was Worried of sea monsters in sinister caves;
Xenia turned Xenophobic of charismatic Danes.
Yanic Yearned for the morning to come;
Zooey waited Zealously for the rise of the sun.

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