Bad Cover Version.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Island Culture.

Yes. I am currently inhabit and live on an island, surrounded by waters both calm and violent. But seriously, when the world is a few thousand miles away in every direction, the few outlets of things to do get redundant really, really fast. Thank (whatever's the true deity) the internet was created for the mass-production and deliverance of the word of globalization (but really, globalization is just a big word for making the planet 'a small world after all.' Not always a good thing, thus the usual sarcasm). Because we get to feed off of what's out there and the good stuff we can't get here. At the same token, because there is so much "culture" out in the world, there will be two groups of people: the group that has interests that separates themselves from everyone because of their different interests; and the group that is much too common and mainstream for people too lazy to find something actually worth interesting. I tend to find myself trapped in the first category, as finding peers in the same stuff is really difficult, even on facebook or whatever else. Not to mention, i hate dealing with people so infatuated in copying other people's interest and trying to outdo them, as if they were to be seen as such badass, but instead found so kitsch. Hey, remember this just opinion, not fact. I believe in the socialism ideal, thus we're all equal here, and this opinion is no greater then yours, and yeah yeah yeah.

But (whatever's the true deity) damn, i gotta get out of this place.

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