Bad Cover Version.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Name is Weezer.

(Sips from 12 oz can of Coke.)
God damn you, half-japanese girls.

Today, i head over the sam goody's, looking for the some new, good music, but simply was dissappointed with the lack of selection, and the atrocity of jacked-up prices. ($18.99 for music? BS.) But slowly as I happened to glance, in the back of one of the bins was a little selection of Weezer cds. I already have the Blue Album, the Green Album, and the first I bought from them, 'Make Believe', which I though was underrated, concidering the kind of reviews it got. (Although, I wasn't into 'Beverly Hills' too much). The only two albums that really got my eye, was 'Pinkerton' + 'Maladroit,' because their were the only two Weezer albums I didn't have. Both supposed to stray from the unique, quintessienal 'Weezer' sound, as displayed by all of the self-titled albums. At first, thought to myself, this is kinda weird, how they come up with these names. Its like they pulled it out of there imagination hats. All the albums, including their upcoming one, 'Raditude' sound like they came from a book of spells from Harry Potter. (Weezer itself is a weird name, thus I include all the self-titled albums; but i forgot to mention that 'Make Believe' is not one of the included albums, but kinda says where they get the names from.) So after that thought to myself, i left the record store, and get music how everyone gets it in this decade: rapidshare.

(Watches 'Island in the Sun', Mexican Weddings?)

Sure, its not exactly supporting the artists downloading for free, but these music CEOs had it coming when pricing these CDs almost twenty bucks, when their about 75 cents to make. So i download both 'Pinkerton' + 'Maladroit.' And after listening to both, i orchestrated the conclusion that these are very underrated albums, constantly overlooked for the self-titled albums or the very singles that got them famous. Don't get me wrong, the singles are works of masterpieces composed by the very genius of Mr. Cuomo. But one or two songs can't speak for a band's entire catalog. 'Pinkerton' + 'Maladroit' flow together as its own album as the songs complement with each other. While 'Pinkerton' is darker and known as the predecessor of the Emo genre, 'Maladroit' is much heavier with amped-up guitars set up to 11. One makes me wants to curl up into a ball and question effort, while the other makes me want to jump up and down until i realize that the ceiling fan is on. Both just inches short of masterpiece. But with the way the last album was and the next one, i feel the luster they got from Fonzie and Spike (Go watch 'Buddy Holly,' you degenerate.) has welted away from their roots. But doesn't mean i can't have faith or anything, right?

"Who the hell is that guy on the 'Green Album'?"
(Sips Coke, dripping some on chin.)
Man, whatever happened to Mikey? He seemed awesome.

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